Sunday 31 March 2019

Topic:  Major distraction:' School dumps iPads, returns to paper textbooks


  • e-book era over and returned to the old-fashioned hard copies.
  • Students preferred pages to screens.
  • Teachers found that iPads were distracting and did not improve their technology skills.
  •  Understanding is better when printed instead of digital

As most schools are using iPads for electronic textbooks, one school is going back to using paper textbooks. Students at this school say that they prefer books to screens and printed books are easier to navigate through than ebooks. The teachers believe that the iPads are distracting and they didn't improve the students technology skills. The teachers also say that they believe students learn better when they are using more senses to research and taking notes.
Another study has shown that understanding improves when reading from printed text. They believe that this is because students are more comfortable with hard copies which helps to retain and understand what they have read. Also that the students didn't get as involved with digital text.

This article shows that old-fashioned hard copy books could be better for students to learn, understand and retain what they have read.  Both the students and the teachers at this school say that they prefer printed books to electronic books. I believe that if the students prefer printed text and the teachers say that the students learn more from hard copy textbooks, then they should phase out iPads

1 comment:

Journal article This study directed the young people’s between ten to the late of ...